Pre-school / Kindergarten

Curiosity is the main driving force behind a child's development


We firmly believe in every child's innate ability to explore and discover the world around them.

To encourage this intuitive approach to learning, we are committed to creating an environment that is solid, but also fun and stimulating, and that fosters self-confidence. The aim is to foster positive experiences that will stay with them throughout their school career and beyond.

We place great emphasis on the acquisition and progressive discovery of languages.


What makes us different:

  • Three levels of teaching from age 2.
  • Weekly music and sports classes.
  • Outdoor explorations and excursions to enrich our students' educational experience and feed their curiosity.
  • Integration of fundamental values into students' daily lives, such as curiosity, respect, courage, “living together”, empathy, creativity and commitment.
  • Flexible timetable : Classes run from 8.30am to 4.15pm, with the option of hot meals in the canteen. In the mornings, we offer parents the possibility of dropping off their children from 7.45am at no extra charge. An after-school care service and extra-curricular activities, both optional and subject to a charge, complete the offer.


School Hours

Our school is open:
Monday to Fridays   07:45 - 18:00
Classes are held:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday   08:30 - 16:15
Wednesday   08:30 - 11:30

What Parents think

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