Primary School

We build on everyone's acquired skills

Our mission is to support children as they become young students.

Our teaching method is based on a more rigorous progression in the acquisition of fundamental knowledge (reading, writing, arithmetic) and develops children's autonomy and initiative. To achieve this, we continue to emphasize complete immersion in French and German, creative learning through games and the development of each child's own skills.


Why choose us ?

  • Very close collaboration between teachers to ensure a coherent and balanced education for pupils.
  • A solid, balanced education based on academic skills, social skills and independence. Children learn to explore independently, understand how to work as part of a team and gain confidence in their ability to find their place in a group.
  • A wide range of sports courses, from football to ice skating, while taking advantage of the outdoor facilities on offer in Basel. Our annual participation in the Basel Stadtlauf (Basel city run) is an important tradition for all primary school pupils.
  • Flexible timetable: Classes run from 8.30am to 4pm, with the option of hot meals in the canteen.  In the mornings, we offer parents the possibility of dropping off their children from 7.45am at no extra charge. A child-minding service and after-school activities, both optional and subject to a charge, complete the offer.
  • Annual excursions, eagerly awaited by the children, to complement the school curriculum (nature outings, themed excursions, snow days, etc.).
  • An annual ‘field trip’ lasting several days, to promote outdoor learning and develop pupils' social skills.



School Hours

Our school is open:
Mondays to Fridays   07:45 - 18:00
Classes are held:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays   08:30 - 16:00
Wednesday   08:30 - 11:30

What Parents think

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